"Sometimes things happen that truly make one scratch ones head"
Can you believe it?
Some how,
Some way,
It happened!
This was found in the trash!
I for one, would not want to be that person,
The one, that had no respect!
My Son and soon to be Daughter in Law, work for a company that recycles paper products. There job is to oversee physically challenged adults and help them preform there jobs.
The son also oversees the warehouse and loading docks. They have been saving the old books for me and some reading books for Little Man. (With permission..)
A few weeks ago they brought me this, as well as some other things that I'll show you in another post.
To say the least,
It's quite large and contains both the new and the old testament.
It's heavy, worn at the edges and dark red with gold embossing...
The most perfect prim Bible!
The kind of Bible, that you would have seen in many 19th century homes, family names entered lovingly and with perfect penmanship....

Documenting Births, Marriages and Deaths of dear ones both young and old..
Whispers of precious memories....
Wishes held tight within the humble pages....
Golden locks held fast with silver string and heart felt poems tucked tightly away,
I presume, to be held dear and remembered on a cold winter day....
Found, were the letters and remembrances of everyone dear..
For their Grandfather, was one of the original Pioneers!
The Bible is dated 1867..
The Family lineage dates from 1821 to 1922..
They started out in Pennsylvania and ended their journey in California..
And how this piece of history ended up in Utah, I'll never know!
But who ever threw it away....Well, they should be horse whipped!
I've turned the names over to a special person,
In the hopes, that she can find the family that this wonderful book belongs to...
For every page turned,
tugged at my heart...
How could anyone throw this away?