camera in hand,
anticipations high....

I was getting set to do it,
I'll just load these pics and then I'll finish washing Mr Fix-It's clothes. I'll come back in a bit and get this done! Yep, I will.
Okay Fine! I'll finish dinner,
Help him pack then I'll come up and finish this.....
Wait, I'll pack him up and wash the dishes and feed the dogs and help with home work and take the garbage out and then I'll come back up here and finish this...
Take a Deep Breath,
He's gone, to Istanbul Turkey and Paris France
With Out you....
for 9 days....
Sniff Sniff,
Momma needs a hug!
Okay, I'll finish this..
Mom, Mom.....
What Little Man?
I'm supposed to go camping with the boy scouts today!
Say What? Huh? What Time? When? How? Who.............Help?
I'll finish this in a bit....
Mom, Mommmm......
What Fledgling?
I'm going to work in Nebraska....
Say What? Huh? When? Huh?......URGHHHHH!
I'll Finish This Later!.......
I've completely lost track of what I'm doing!
Mr Fix-It came home, the Fledgling Daughter left, Little Man went camping and more stuff happened in the last two weeks than I can list.
I'm so glad that's over....
Wait....It's not over.....Urgghhhhhh......
The laundry room and Little mans bed room have water damage, due to a leaky spigot and a unsealed drain pipe! we are in the midst of "Construction Disaster" Yuck!
And the yard needs raked.... We had a bad storm, lost a large tree limb and a lot of small ones!
I've have been walking around talking to myself, (in a pep talk sort a way, not a "lost yer marbles, aye?")
You survived this the last time,
This to shall pass,
Life is too short for anything but happy! (my personal motto!)
They will grow up and move out one day,
If not you Can ask them to leave,
If Skippy decides not to love you anymore you Will live, (this one has been hard to accept)
It's okay to have left overs twice in a row,
Remember to breath,
Skippy will Never stop loving you! Never, Ever, ever, ever, ever................ever!
Remember to buy stock in Calgon...
And have Mr Fix-It fix this stinkin' Puter so I can show you guys what I've put up with lately!
I have taken more pictures in the last few weeks than ever...
I learned about a few more settings on my camera..
My computer will not let me upload anything at this moment..
But I Finished This Anyway!
All Inspiration and Positive Motivators Welcome.....
Love you Guys!