Snow! Snow! Snow!
I just made it home from Yoga on Monday before the flakes started flying.
5 inches at the end of it. Ugg just when things were melting so nicely.
More ...
The right way and the wrong way
This is the wrong way and I still do it.
Why would I not continue working the entire border which would catch
errors? Instead, I stopped the single stra...
Whippy Wednesday
Hello all my friends!
Today am showing my
WIP's (Work In Progress) for the month.
This was my start on Viola Martini.
Am doing this one to remember
A Correction and a Crock ~
This rug I showed in my previous post is actually a rug by Chrisi Koehl of Rustic
Eweniques, titled Crock-O-Blooms. Sorry, Chrisi.
On our way to the hoo...
Saturday Sparks Link Party 661
Welcome to Saturday Sparks 661!
Starting off today's party with the return of some old friends!
After a long winter without them, our deer have come back...
My Mother's Wild Rosebush
Hello to spring......although she blew in with 65 mph winds and thick
blinding dirt.
Although we are used to this in Texas especially at the start of
TONIGHT On Early Work Mercantile...
Althea the Folk Art Rabbit
Click on the button below to go directly to my selling page.
[image: ewmnewblogbutton photo 200x160bannerblog_zps74ac6ce5.gif]...
Spring Strawberry Baskets
We are getting so close to Spring! I have Strawberries for sale in my
They are made with quality cotton fabrics...
~ Happy Thursday Photo dump ~
Good Morning Friends & Folk!
...and a very happy chilly sunny kinda-windy March Thursday to us all!
just cleaning a few photos out of my phone...
we fe...
SAHRR: so far...
Hello friends, it has been a few weeks. Lately, I have been unable to sew
or quilt due to a health situation. This put the halt on my SAHRR hosted by
Wintering here at home....
*Hello my dears!*
*So happy to have you drop by on this freezing day in mid February.. *
*The winter is flying by for me..*
* I hear a lot of people sayin...
Things are Improving
Well, after a morning at nine below zero last week, and multiple mornings
under ten degrees... we are back in the Land of the Living here.
It was 24 thi...
New Year, Here We Go
I hate change. I really really hate it. Life is all "change change
change change and change some more." 2024 was the great "you will do
nothing but d...
Trump on Bringing the BIBLE back to America!
Here is the very short video that I wanted to share with you. I hope that
it works this time.
I think that the first one was embedded and that's the reaso...
Settling In
I can't believe I've been away from blogging so long. A lot has happened in
the past couple of years. I've finally moved into an apartment. And the
⭐ Fender 72 Telecaster Deluxe Wiring Diagram ⭐
* Fender 72 Telecaster Deluxe Wiring Diagram *. The Single Best Strategy
To Use For wiring schematic They can’t keep up with it. You almost
certainly ...
Jameson Montgomery the Third
Often times I like to revisit an old pattern. This head is from one of my
older patterns, Clay Cloth Bunny. I'm always surprised at how they turn
DOSTADNING - Death Cleaning
I know that many of you still get the "ick" factor when
the topic of death comes u...
A Year in review with twist, loss and turns!
As per this year, I am sitting here trying to load pictures and as 2023
comes to a close, that will give me a hard time too! So let me tell you why
we h...
* It's been an extremely crazy year in 2023. Lots of good and some not so
good things have happened, but we've made it through. *
* I've slowed down a ...
Homemade Chicken Soup With Broken Spaghetti
Fall is officially the start of soup weather and here’s a good one to start
you off on, plus you can keep it in rotation throughout the winter. It’s my
~ Be the Light~
*Now is the time to stand in your truth and be the light!*
*You don't have to comply with group thinking or mass*
*hysteria. They are old traps to trigge...
Don't Miss Out!
If you have landed here looking for current blog posts, patterns,
tutorials and freebies....Please head to my website Laugh Yourself into
Farmhouse Fun
My son was lucky enough to be able to rent a farmhouse that was built in
the late 1800s. It still has some of the original charm mixed with some
really bad...
Herb & Onion Cheeseball Bites
These cheeseball bites are so cute and such an easy way to serve a
cheeseball in mini individual sizes. No mess with cutting into a big
cheeseball, and so ...
Kandungan eco farming
Kumpulan liputan Eco Farming oleh media nasional indonesia..
Liputan Line Today
Keunggulan eco farming yang
harus anda ketahui.
~Etsy Fall Update~
Hello, Friends!!
I hope all of you are enjoying some beautiful fall weather right now!!!
Here in AZ we are STILL dealing with the heat, but it is S L O W...
Let's Play Ketchup!
So... waaaaaaay back in 2014, Temecula Quilt Co. offered a Summer Block of
the week. And, while I kept up with the sewing week by week... when the
A note about this site
Greetings, Dear Followers,
I'm sorry to say that after ten years this site no longer functions
properly..I haven't been able to upload new images for wee...
Felicity's Breakfast Scones
These scones make a delicious breakfast or tea time treat I’ve been using
this scone recipe for 17 years now. (Gosh, that makes me feel so OLD !) It
came f...
Little Trees of Joy
I had alot of fun making a little forest of trees for etsy this past
weekend. I love the woods and old, ancient trees. The red and white pines
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
This Saturday is a brand new episode of “Home Sweet Home” on Food Network.
My kids are helping me shoot it, my production company in the UK is editing
it t...
Rainbow of Hope...
Welcome to my blog, I know!!! Its been a long time since I wrote anything
here - Facebook and Instagram are much faster forms of keeping you up to
date wit...
February Finishes
*2017 Collector's Heart*
*by Heart in Hand Needleart*
I love this phrase and it was so appropriate to stitch this year as we
became empty nesters in Jan...
another little peek......
sometimes......... things just take a lot of thinking & planning....... you
know....the kind that just rolls over & over in your mind & keeps you
I'm working on this cute raggedy doll for St. Patrick's Day. I started
sewing her at home and then it was time to go to my middle daughter's home
to take ...
Punch Needle & Primitive Stitcher
Such a sweet design featured on the cover of the upcoming *Punch Needle &
Primitive Stitcher* magazine, Spring 2020. To order your copy, click on the
Samuel’s School
In December, I had the opportunity to travel to West Bengal, India on a
mission trip with my church. Six of us made the trip to care for the
children of mi...
I have been trying for a month to update this blog...haven't been able to
do much so will leave it like it is and just add new posts...I have been
doing ab...
I am going to try to be a better blogger. I want to share my newest
applique project.I have it all ready to stitch. I am using woolie flannel.
I think I st...
Christmas Past!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.
We had a wonderful one here at the Martinsen's - a house full of 16 of us!
The dinner table was out to the longe...
Night Vision
I had just stacked the bags of groceries along the floorboards, making sure
the milk wouldn't topple the eggs, checking my watch with relief that for
Two More Quilts for Sale
Whew! Since my last post I've sold quite a few quilts and, I've gotta say,
it feels much less scary now to let them go out into the world. Thank you
*FREE CHART* Thankful Every Day
My gift to you, in honor of my very favorite holiday.
Follow this link to a downloadable PDF file.
This simple little design was stitched on 32 count Sm...
Midnight Ride Rug Hooking Pattern
Happy November first everyone! I'm still running on a sugar high, but I
feel the crash heading my way, so I'll make this fast. I've just added
*Searching For Inspiration*
*Last night I visited some old crafting friends. I found them online at
Facebook and had wondered what they were doing these da...
Making this Santa into a Punch Needle Pattern
This is a picture of my painted Victorian Santa riding a vintage
He is currently a 'Dummy Board' about 30" tall.
Now to reduce him down to size...
Christmas Mittens
Three dark red mini mittens made of dark red felt and coffee dyed warm and
natural- 4" tall including greenery.
10.00/set of three plus 6.95 shipping
All sa...
Writing Therapy
I've been debating starting to blog again for quite a while. But like many
things in my life, I keep putting it off. Now life circumstances have made ...
It's All Good!
Well, here we are nearing the end of summer. I, for one, will be happy for
the temperatures to cool down a bit. It is a fact that dry heat is much
~*New News!~
Hello Dear Friends!
Have you received your new copy of Wool Works Magazine? It is out!
~*Willa Witch*~ is the pattern I created for this Fall Issue. I...
We have this awesome Early Croquet set for sale in our booth. It is a
complete set of four mallets and balls. The box is in very good condition
(not perf...
Used Iron Fencing
[image: used iron fencing fence bisconworldorg bisconworldorg used wrought
iron ft iron tall wrought x fencing fencing ft long sale for letgo iron
Has Anyone Seen Spring?
Spring is the season that is supposed to give us warm days, sunshine and an
abundance of ambition that we most times lack during the long never-ending
Mystical Characters
This last piece took me some time to create! I had a certain vision in my
head as to what I wanted her to look like and I really took my time. From
Amy is looking for a home.
Early Work Mercantile
opened last night.
There are still wonderful pieces that I have available.
This is Amy.
She is name...
Crazy Seasons Mystery Quilt block 5!
Good morning!
It's time again for a new block on this fun adventure! I am loving seeing
everyone's beautiful work on the Facebook group for this project! I...
Mason Jar Tissue Holder
I thought I would share a DIY project I did back before Christmas. I was
inspired on Pinterest. I never attempted to paint a mason jar before but it
It's a foggy day.....and snow is coming!!!
Hello sweet was so nice to hear from so many on you!!!!
So here I am back on the and my
Retreat Bag 2.0 Class
Make a wire frame zipper supplies bag that stays open for perfect access to
all your sewing accessories, makeup, toys or school supplies. Thursday,
Christmas open houses and a couple of recipes!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Here is a great recipe for a salad that my sister makes that I love!
And this cheese spread was pretty good if you need an appy reci...
So Honored!!! On the Cover of PRIMS
I know it's been awhile, again. It's been a crazy busy fall. I wanted to
share, you can find me on my business page on FB... I don't believe you
have t...
Fading Summer Blooms & Fall Harvest
The fall vegetables are coming up in the stock tank container garden.
Well, at least the lettuce and green beans.
The beets (in the middle) are not growin...
Hi everyone, I am so sorry that I haven't been around to visit you or to
leave regular posts here.
Please forgive me. I do miss you and hope that we can vi...
Tickets here....
Have you always wanted to paint your own furniture but are too afraid?
Bring yo...
Incredibles 2 gets 17 stars!
One of the pleasures of being a grandmother, has been going to movies, with
Livvie. She is getting older, so there will come a time when going to the
Lessons from the Lilacs
It’s the glorious month of May in the glorious State of Indiana.
What a wonderful time to be alive.
May has always and forever been one of...
Press and Seal - Have you used it?
Press and Seal is not just for leftovers anymore! It should be in all
your Hooking and Punch needle Bags. I was first introduced to it last
summer while ...
Resep Cara Membuat Nastar Lumer
Resep Cara Membuat Nastar Lumer - Kurang lengkap rasanya klo dihari raya
lebaran tidak ada kue nastar...Coba resep nastar lumer ku yuk buntik....
RiMa IMhe...
Zinc Lid Ornie Graphics
Hi y'all! Got the graphics finished for the zinc lid ornies! 😄 There are
five sets to choose from, all sets have same farm animals but different
Spring 2018
Hello! Long time no post… I hope everyone is doing well. I’m going to try
to get back into blogging here and there. Even if it’s just some pictures.
Part 6......Last summer
*So here is our little house as of summer 2017...The willow tree has grown
and has to be trimmed several times during the season to keep it this
Happy Easter my friends. I hope this post finds you full of blessings, full
bellies and new memories.
You are probably wondering about my title to this pos...
Udderly Empty
Something that is rarely talked about in the online goat world is an empty
udder. All the chatter is about how full it is but in actuality how empty
it ...
Custom Work List
Just a quick note to let you know that I am starting a Custom Work Request
*Serious Inquiries only please*
Hope I am not getting myself into troubl...
Farm Chicks and Quilts
What a wonderful quilt Geni made! I asked some of the gals to help with
some samples and look at this wonderful Farm Chick quilt Geni stitched up.
A New Addition to the Animal Crackers Series
Introducing *~Paisley~ *on this snowy and bitter cold day
The newest addition to the *Animal Crackers Series*
She makes the perfect little companion to...
Wow! Has It Really Been Three Years!!?
Hello Everyone!
I am sitting here in disbelief that it has been over three years since my
last post. It honestly doesn't feel like that long.
So much...
I'm Alive!
I know I've been terrible at blogging lately, but life has just been
getting in the way. Everything is fine with me and mine, so let me share
some show & t...
Let's try this again
Well it's been a long time. I thought I would give it another try.
This is a design by Kim Diehl. I just love it. I think it is one of the
best quilts ...
Canterbury Shaker Village NH
On Oct 13 we were able to visit an original Shaker Village near Canterbury
It was a beautiful fall day so it was lovely to wander around the various ...
Happy Fall, Y'all!
Well, I've been meaning to post for a few weeks and life has just kept me
busy. I hope all of you are enjoying your fall. It has seemed like summer
for t...
Summer 2017
Man, what a crazy, awesome summer we had. Hannah and I went to Myrtle
Beach with her team. She had an amazing tournament and made the all-star
team, whic...
Wow...I haven't posted on this blog in such a long time....I thought I
would share my Fall/Halloween rugs with you all...
They're all listed in my Etsy Sho...
A Year in the Making...and It's Finally Finished!
I went back in my posts to see just exactly when I began on this quilt and
it was August of 2016. Sadly, it has taken me a full year to finish it. I
Old Farmhouse Roast Beef in the Crockpot
1 Beef Roast
1 pkg. Brown Gravy Mix
1 pkg. Italian Salad Dressing Mix
1 pkg. Ranch Dip Mix
Combine mixes in a bowl for good distribution of flavors.
Happy 4th of July....
We've had a gentle summer shower this morning of the 4th of July. I'm sure
this doesn't make some people happy but my garden and I love it. Sometimes
Alabama Street Corn
Most everyone has heard of Mexican Street Corn, but I made a much more
simpler version, with ingredients I can pronounce. Then I named it Alabama.
For my Country girl in the city.
Its winter and fairly regularly on the weekend we are out and about
getting wood to keep the woodshed filled. I always take my camera with me,
then in the...
New Etsy Listings......
*Happy Monday!! It sure is going to be a hot one today. I just love the
warmer weather and the sunshine!! I just wanted to let you know that I will
be lis...
New collection of tattered overalls for blythe
Pretty in Pink tattered overalls including pink hat sitting with a vintage
style pink teddy bear.
Some of my new collection of tattered overalls. I am to...
I am back after a much needed little break! I have been enjoying spring,
working in the yard and catching up on life. We have a new baseball team
here in K...
"And The Stone Rolled Away"...planter project...
Hello Friends....sorry I haven't been around but it is spring time and you
know what that means for is GREENHOUSE Growing and BASEBALL
Throwing ti...
Fixer Upper
I am looking forward to spring.
Just one more day till it's official.
I finished hooking this, it's an older pattern by
Blackbird Designs.
My son and ...
Hello everyone, just wanted to let you know I have lots of Spring items
now up on my Early Work Mercantile page, hope you can stop by and see what
I hav...
Friday Farm Photos: Have a Long Eared Weekend.
Any plans this weekend? We watched *this great movie* last night (which we
somehow didn't realize was produced and directed by Clint Eastwood until
after ...
*Hi Everyone,*
*Just a reminder that I am mostly on Facebook now.*
*I will keep my blog page for the graphics that are already on here, but
future graphi...
I am quite certain this gal has been a slacker. Last post was December 2016
and here it is already February 2017 ? How can that be? Where has the time
Last Saturday, Sonny and I went to Just Breathe in Bellville, for salt
therapy. It is supposed to be very good for respiratory issues ( which he
has righ...
Christmas House Tour
Hi Everyone!
I cannot believe it has been so long since I have done a Blog post,
but you all know how it is at Christmas. I seemed to use Face book
Christmas 2016...
Better late than never! My Christmas eve post was a mess, I was trying to
do it from my phone and nothing was going right and I was just trying to
get som...
New Year, New Goals
It's January - Happy New Year and all that resolution stuff - though I
think I'll do better with setting some goals rather than making resolutions
I know I...
Looking Forward
Good Evening to all ...Christmas came and went in a hurry, seems as if it
was all a blur ! I hope each of you had a wonderful holiday, the Princess
Making Your Home Sing Monday Linky Party
Welcome to the Making Your Home Sing Monday linky party! Every day you are
doing something to make your house into a home for yourself and your family ...
This next week's Good Fences link-in will be my last. I've wanted to take a
blog break for a while now, but I've hung in there to keep Good Fences
going. I...
The day I have been patiently waiting for has finally arrived...Miss P,
our precious little ginger haired girl...
can sport a bow!!! Oh, the little things....
Past Due Post ...
Back about 4 months ago I decided I wanted to have chickens again, now that
I am not working any longer (yay) I am able to take care of them better.
~ Autumn 2016 Decorating ~
Greetings friends! I hope all is well with you and yours. This post
brings you a few pictures of this year's fall decorating. It's always an
exciting ti...
Get ready for Halloween with my "Kitty Kat & Kandy Korn" e-pattern.
Pattern is ready and waiting for you to hop over, take a peek, and decide
if you woul...
"A cold in the head in June is an immoral thing..." ~ L.M. Montgomery,
"Anne of Windy Poplars" ~ : ~ : ~ At the present time, I am experiencing a
period of...
Is not telling the whole truth the same as a lie?
If it is.. I have no regrets.. well maybe just a little. I've been making
Dr. Pepper chicken for a couple years and my husband loves it so much he
often re...
~ Gathering or Primitive Friends Show 2016 ~
it's that time again!!!
June is here ~ and we're beginning to get our ducks in a row for our
8th Annual {wow!} Gathering of Primitive Friends Show
held h...
Spring Market Brings Fall Goodies
It must be strange for people who are new to quilting to see Fall patterns
and kits showing up as soon as Spring market is over, but Spring Market is
This is a picture of Lilly that just seems to say
So I will start with that and again SERIOUSLY
I have not posted on my blog since March...
The Fourth Quarter
Good morning and welcome Through My Back Door. I am not sure anyone will
visit as my blogging leaves a lot to be desired lately. I blame it all on
FB. I wi...
Hello 2016
So it's been forever since I have blogged. Facebook has been the killer of
my blog. It's just to easy to post daily on it. Don't even know if anyone
will s...
Warm Springs Ranch ~ Love those Clydesdales!
Yesterday, Mr. W and I took an “us” day. We spent the morning at Warm
Springs Ranch near Boonville, Missouri. We then did some antiquing,
followed by sho...
Easter Just Around the "Bunny Trail" Corner!
The bunny trail is so short this year! Just 18 days until Easter. TEN
days after St. Patrick's Day! So, if you decorate for both, not much time
to ta...
The Good Old Fashioned Way
Update on making Deb Eggar's "Floral Abundance"...
Deb Eggar's "Floral Abundance" in Spring 2013 Primitive Quilts and Projects
Judy's Version
Quilt Top ...
Moving on My Mind
Happy Friday friends. Don't you just love it when Friday finally rolls
around? I just love the weekend regardless of what we have planned. Love
lazy Sat...
Where has the time gone?
It's been almost 2 years to the day that I last posted. I just don't know
where the time has gone and why I haven't kept up on my blog or why I
Valentine's Day Meal Idea: Heart Shaped Pizza
[image: Valentine's Day Meal Idea: Heart Shaped Pizza]
Hey guys,I'm going to show you guys how to make your own heart shaped pizza
which is super cute! You ...
Bathroom Redo~
So I redid my bathroom…and on a budget I might add! Hubs painted it grey
the same as the kitchen and I
love it. It’s so light and airy even without a w...
[image: photo IMG_7384_zps1dfgyo7t.jpg]
It's me.
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet.
To go over,
[Let's all jus...
Help From the Grands....
The first weekend of Dec. in Eureka Springs the shops do "Living Windows".
This was our first time to be part of this event. The theme was "Rock
Around the...
Sweet Sunday Blessings!
It was a frosty morning here at the Foothills Farmhouse..........
The frost on the roof looks so pretty....
Even if it was chilly taking thi...
Khasiat dan Manfaat Jelly Gamat Gold G
Kajian-kajian ini membuktikan bahawa manfaat jelly gamat gold g gamat /
gamat mengandungi "Faktor Pertumbuhan sel" (faktor pertumbuhan semula sel)
yang me...
A New Page
Hey you... thanks for visiting Ink Dots. It's been an absolute pleasure
to chat with you here over the years. If you're on old friend, we go back
to 200...
Thursday Hooking
Fun day with the girls at Grant Street Woolworks yesterday. Got there a
little later than usual, and Linda had some shoppers that were there and
gone alre...
Kitchen Flooring
LAKE WORTH, Florida — A South Florida family says they came home to chicken
bones and empty beer bottles on their kitchen floor and an unknown man
Not Sure What to Name This Post - LOL
Well the newly married couple have celebrated being married for a couple
of months now and they are loving married life.
As most of you might remember, o...
*Another reminder, I changed my business name to Holly Ridge Folk Art and
now have a new blog, Holly Ridge Folk Art. *
*I don't want to lose any of my foll...
Does Anyone Remember?
Here it has been over 3 years since I have printed words on this blog.
Where has the time gone?
So many things have changed since my last entry.
I now have ...
My Mary Koval Bag
Last October I attended the American Coverlet Museum's Coverlet College in
Bedford, PA. On one afternoon during the trip my friends and I stopped into Mary'...
My Daddy had a caddy....
My Daddy had a caddy for each of his daughters, to
remember the year they born or just the love of the car alone, either way,
his pas...
I'm moving!
So I did it. I caved, I gave up on ever being able to get this blog to let
me edit it as I used to be able to. Somehow along the way I lost my Admin
~Home of the Free~
*Memorial Day - *
*not just a day off!*
*Monday is a day to pay tribute*
*to those who died fighting*
*for the peace and freedom*
*we enjoy today.*
With heavy hearts, we have decided the best thing for my health and for all
other circumstances of our lives that it is best to close our retail
location i...
The Last Lilac Season
Hello friends...
Thought you might like a peek at our lovely lilacs
as this is our last spring here in the Hudson River Valley.
Once again, these faith...
I'm Back - Where has the time gone!
Wow that year has flown. I hope everyone is well and are still following
me and haven't given up on me!
Where to start - I moved into my new house in the ...
Hi My Prim family, I first have to say THANK YOU TO ALL that left me sweet
comments for my husband. Saying thank you is just NOT enough to tell you
how mu...
mayday mayday
four May Days so far.
day 1...
another first time sighting of a bird!
or maybe they were here in the past and i just never noticed them. but i
Adventures in babysitting
I got home late this afternoon after babysitting overnight for Maggie and
Kylie. I took Reta, our pug with me
because Stuart is farming and she dreaded ...
Pelmets Designs and Padded Pelmets
Curtain Design specialize in manufacturing and fitting beautifully
handcrafted, bespoke pelmets and padded pelmets for residential and
commercial customers...
Hey! I am still kicking and thought about you all in blog land!
I hope this finds you all in good health.
I know a lot of us got over on fb and that...
It has been a long time since I last posted. Spring is finally in progress
at our homestead. The white magic is done covering the gardens allowing for
Hello friends.....
Hello friends. How are you?
I hope that you all had a blessed Easter and were able to enjoy your day
with family. I like to imagine Easter as a beautif...
And when I'm not cuddling her
For those of you who don't know, 14 days ago I picked up my BLM burro for
the 2015 Great Burro Turnaround. Per the rules of the event, I have a
total of 1...
Kitchen Before and After
I thought I would share a few photos to show a glimpse of where we started
and where we are now.
When the renovation was at its worst, I didn't have th...
Home (2015)
Download Home For FreeDownload Home For Free with duration 120 Min and
broadcast on 2015-03-27 and MPAA rating is 5.
*Original Tit...
I hooked this rug from a needle punch pattern by Goos Nest
It's approx. 16" X 20 1/2". Great on a table,hanging on the wall or an old
cupboard. I have an a...
Remember Me?!
Hi friends, remember me? I've been hit and miss for the past couple of
years and MISSING you all like crazy! I've been cleaning up my blog this
week. G...
5 tempat wisata nan indah di spanyol
Spanyol merupakan ruang yg indah buat kita jenguk. Bukan cuma ternama
bersama club olahraga yg keren seperti Barcelona & Real Madrid, Spanyol pula
menaruh ...
Life Is Better At
I love this series of life is better at signs that I just completed. I
think there is something for everyone.
Whether you're at the cabin....
Or at the La...
Closed due to Ice!
The shop will be closed, due to an icy and dangerous parking lot, until
Sunday, when temperatures are supposed to be up in the 60's.
Stay safe and warm!
Easter Thyme giveaway...
Hello everyone,
I will be having a Easter Thyme giveaway sometime in the beginning of March
with some of my Handmade wares I have created for Easter..
This ...
HOME TOUR #3...Finally..
Here it is! I can not believe how long this tour business has taken me and
there will still have to be one or two more to show you my whole townhome.
Hello There! Thanks for stopping by.
As you can see, I've not made a new blog entry in a very long time. I hope
to get back to blogging in the near futu...
Be sure to check out our new website designed by our blogging buddy Janet
McClure. She does fabulous work! If you need graphic work done, be sure to
hire ...
Prim Pottery
While stitching and rug hooking hold a special place in my heart, another
love since high school has been pottery. I haven't thrown on the wheel
since my...
Home sweet Como Park
Up at 4 a.m.--well, 4 a.m. Minnesota time, which I never really got off
of--and walking up my front steps by 11 a.m. In the van to the airport the
two w...
Its been so long since I just got in the way. I have had a
bit of a rough time with my congestive heart failure and COPD,and then in
Aug I ...
What a Difference You've Made In My Life
I have always struggled with contentment. Once I reach a goal I am
wondering, what's next? Is there more? Can it get better? Is this ENOUGH?
Even thoug...
It's The Season of Pumpkin!!
October begins the season of *"Everything Pumpkin"*!!
My favorite Pumpkin "something", is of course, Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice
Latte!! But unfortunatel...
August days
Can you feel it... autumn is coming ..
Orchards are nearing the end of summers bounty, shops are filling with all
things singing of seasons change, witches...
Blogland.........Hello....... Its been a long time since i got active again
alots went on in my life.I recently lost my grandpa to small cell lung
cancer h...
MY Workout Plans With Adjustable Dumbbells
Exercising using this method can train every single muscle group at 1 day
only that can provide max rehab time and max development possibilities. You
It's been too long! Good day to you all and Happy 4th of July. I've been
off the grid for way too long and decided that today was the perfect time
to get m...
Millstone will be closed the week of
June 23rd....for a working
I will be busy packing and
loading for our journey to:
Wow...I have been gone from this blog for almost a year.
That's what happens when life throws you a curve ball.
I thought it's about time to come and put th...
Happy Mother's Day!
Moms truly have THE very best job. I consider it the highest calling
and I'm so grateful to be a mom. Just to think that God trusted me with
these three ...
A swap and a win!
Well, I have a few lovely things to share with you!
Back in February I spied a most beautiful wool sheep that Julia (Bilberry
Grove blog) had made for Wen...
*~*Welcome May*~*
As we are at the begining of May hopefully which is going to bring some
sunny days I have lots on my drawing board.. I am busy with good...
~Tis some Fresh Beginnings!~
This is a real short post, but just wanted to ask a question....... What do
a center chimney, a cute playhouse, a white vinyl picket fenced garden
we all have 'that corner' in our home decor
the corner that looks bare, yet we can't find
anything that works
without making it look 'junked up'
well, *we'...
And Then the Dream Ended
It has been five and a half years now since the Artist and I, with Glimmer
Twins in tow, moved to the country. A dream the Artist and I shared on our
Late Early Work Mercantile Update
I have to say good riddance to March. It had some ups, some downs and I
spent the last week in bed with the flu so I'm hoping April will be a
happier month...
Happy Anniversary
Happy Friday!!
Today I have an anniversary card I created for the Wednesday Challenge over
at Simon Says Stamp.
I used paper from the SSS January Car...
Betting Odds On World Cup Soccer 2014
World Cup Odds
If you really like soccer, also know as "futbol", get all set to get
pleasure from loads of action on Tv for the epic FIFA World Cup 2010
Frozen in Michigan
Hello Everyone!!
I hope that all of you are staying warm considering that most of the
country (with the exception of my sister in California who I'm thinki...
Before January is Over
Since I only posted once in December, I'm going to try and play catch up
with Christmas before January is over !
A little decor and a couple of crafts.
Back in the saddle again
Finally getting back to painting. I dusted off the paints and paint
brushes. And I am trying to dust off my painting skills. I think I have a
lot of...
Christmas Day 2013
My grand babies, Dustin and Brianna Nicole with Miley...sitting in Santa's
lap, an old handmade Santa I purchased from The Olde Green Cupboard shop,
one ...
Merry Christmas!
*Merry Christmas!*
*I just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone *
*a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!*
*The response to my handmade items...
Around the Corner
Thanksgiving came and went and it was wonderful. My brothers and their
families came. Did you ever notice that it takes hours to cook that big
meal and onl...
Cotton Batting Santa made from vintage Batting
hello everyone, today I'm offering this batting Santa that is made by me he
made from vintage cotton batting I have used antique tinsel on his coat and
Exciting things in the works!!
Well it's been a long time since I posted anything.
I'm still racing and I finished 6th in points for the 2013 season... not a
bad finish.
I plan on racin...
Monday November 4th 2013
This weekend was full of fun and laughter my 3 grandchildren came over to
celebrate our youngest grand daughters Sophia's birth...
Homeschool – the good, the bad, and the honest
Did I forget to mention we started homeschooling our children this past
spring? Oh…. Well… We did. Actually, I did. But it was a WE decision.
Mostly me, ...
Bowling in Slovenia
Want to spend an active night? Then we recommend you visit the bowling.
Bowling is the perfect game for fun. It is suitable for entertainment or
for celebr...
Oh my has been over a year.....
Hello to all of you ! You may have noticed I have given up my prim
creating...I am now working in the real world , have moved, and lost the
30 pounds I...
New on Etsy
Just listed on Etsy
Plastic Bag Holder
Cherokee Comb Basket
Small Version of a Cherokee Comb Basket
Shaker Cat Head Basket
Dried Black Walnut Garla...
Wooden Folk Art Penny Coasters
Made by me. I just love penny rugs and thought I'd paint them on wooden
coasters. I made them to resemble "candy corn", "Americana", "Halloween"
and "Autum...
Sorry... delay in new pics
Sorry friends!
Apparently my computer contracted a major virus while I was gone! :(
Trying to get it figured out... it may need a trip to the doctors!
So ...
New booth all set up...
Got things moved into our booth at Antiques on Main in West Jefferson,
N.C. Hope you will check us out on your next trip to this wonderful
mountain com...
Prairie Schooler Santas
Let me just say, I love July!
July 4th is one of my favorite holidays - I love being at ball games and
hearing the National Anthem being played this month...
Garden Seating Area Ideas
Making the Most of Your Garden with Summer Garden Seating « Home ...Making
the Most of Your Garden with Summer Garden Seating « HomeOur Life in Idaho:
BUSY MONTH OF JUNE (now into JUly)
June has been a busy busy month with Graduations,birthdays, fathers day,
class reunion , our 50th Wedding Anniversary and our family from North
Carolina wh...
Antique Ironstone Collection
A huge *thank you* for all of the kind comments, emails, and encouraging
questions about when, or if, I wo...
Changes can be a good thing!!
*Well HELLO everyone!! I've been gone for a while again, but doing good
things for me and my family. School got out in May and I ended the year
with a p...
Mantle Change
Since I'm off for the summer it's easier to get each room deep cleaned.
You know what I mean? Everything dusted thoroughly, moved, swept and put
back. S...
So I purchased this is past weekend at the enchanting spring market.
Yes it's a 70's mustard velvet sofa I'm so in love with it.
Also I painted this ...
Cruising, Crocheting and Dollmaking
Our long awaited Transatlantic Cruise aboard Royal Caribbean's Vision of
the Seas this month took us to some amazing locations. Some of our
excursions to...
Quilt made by Carla!
Here I was, complaining and look what it led me to! An old friend of mind,
Carla's blog!
Dancing Moon Blog She recently made this fun and whimsical ...
Wishing for what I don't have.
Do you ever get so caught up in wanting things you don't have? This is me
recently. I would love to have some land where I can get back the basics,
Grow Where You are Planted
Hello blog buddies...thought I would share a few pictures of my summer
plantings and
also my Re-Do project from yesterday
I started with this old dec...
Friday Photo
You might think my foster dog Lucky is waiting patiently for his breakfast.
NOT!!! He just ate breakfast and this is as far away from the bowl as he
I am still sewing, but not getting as much done as I would like to. I have
a new little Annie doll that I finished up a little while ago. I call her
SnOw DaY....AgAiN.......
I got stuck inside again today.....more snow....Have so many things I want
to get done for the Garden Decor, but the weather is not cooperating. We
Folk Art Bird-In-Hand
For those of you who entered my giveaway and are interested in my folk art
bird-in-hand I can make some up.
If interested you can PM me on facebook at my O...
TDIPT Mercantile will be closing its doors at the end of April. It was a
difficult decision for us to make, bu...
Yesterday, 5th April 2013 we welcomed another little person into our
our new neice - a second daughter to my brother and his wife and little...
I ordered these adorable carrots from Tracy Heberlie!
It has a Sweet Annie stem. :)
It's finally starting to look Spring in Southern Illinois. :) Th...
I Got Past The First Show
Hi everyone, today is March 19th, closing in on a quarter of the new year
gone already. Time flies but not necessarily are we having fun. Each day
I must confess, it's been very hard for me to blog.....
Right now, the mood does not strike me to write. When that spark comes
Bunting Banner
I was in a quilt shop recently and saw a bunting banner similar to this
It is time for green around here. We have had white for a very long time,
It's the Little Things
*Yesterday it was my birthday. *
*I hung one more year on the line.*
*I ain't worrying. *
*And I ain't scurrying. *
*I'm just having a good time.*
*~Paul Sim...
Shop Moving for Good
*I have decided to finally close my location here on the FARM.*
~I apologize for the unanswered questions and for the confusion on my
journey...It has sim...
Great Giveway!!!!
Follow this link to a great giveaway for milk paint!! I've always wanted
to try some of this.
Sweet Meadows Farms Give-a-Way
I just love Maureen's designs and just have to give a shout out about her
fantastic pattern give-a-way! You can find her at:
Hayseed Homemakin': Vintage Glass Garden Ornaments
Hayseed Homemakin': Vintage Glass Garden Ornaments: These glass garden
ornaments are so simple & fun to make! If you look closely, they consist
of a vase ...
Winter Wonderland
Hope this post finds you all doing well. We are doing just fine here in
the Adkins Household. We had an enjoyable Thanksgiving with our family and
Top 10 Pottery Making Tips For the Beginner
1. Go to pottery making classes. Everyone has to learn somehow. Although it
can be comforting to learn on your own it will be much more fun with
Before and After ~ First Aid Box
This is another easy project I managed to get done...
another wooden handmade box...
these can usually be found at the thrift stores...
I cut the t...
Relationship Predictions
A adequately accepted seek engine concern is accord predictions.
Presumably, anyone allurement that statement, is analytic for analytic
account sites. A...
Santa Claus is coming......
I've not stopped creating......
I promise. I will be offering a few holiday treasures in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your patience and interest.
This weekend marks our 6th Annual Christmas Open House! November 3rd & 4th.
Open 10am - 6pm this Saturday and Sunday.
$1.00 off of 8oz Black Crow Candles
Boo To You!
*Nasty Witch I saw a nasty witch last night, Sailing through the pale
moonlight. She whooped and zooped among the leaves, She caused a fuss mong...
Meet Martha the Crow!!!
I had such a fun time making Martha for my friend Sharon. Sharon has a
store called Shair's Crows Nest and she needed an "Official...
Just picked up some vintage feed sacks yesterday and today they became
pillows! Now onto Christmas items! Going to make lots of Christmas
stockings! I w...
Easy Peasy Legend of Zelda Party
I didn't take step by step pictures, but really, it was quite easy!
I started with the cupcake toppers. There is very little in the way of
party supplies...
It's been's been a bad month!!
Hi everyone! So sorry it has been so long. I have no excuses for not
posting in August but as some of you know if you follow me on facebook, I
lost my moth...
Trying New Techniques
As the fourth of July approached this summer, I found myself with a couple
of free days and an itch to try some new things. Being a newbie quilter,
nearly ...
Long time no see. Well I'm going to remedy that. I have been working on
crafts and I started back to the pool. I also having to go to therpy for
my back...
The Beautiful Historic Town of Zoar Ohio
*The Beautiful Town of Zoar Ohio *
*August 4th 2012 *
*during *
*The Harvest Festival and Antique Show and Sale *
*********** *
*Thought I would share some...
Closing: Come Follow My NEW Blog
It's that time, folks. I've consolidated both of my web sites, Hannah's
PinKeep and Autumn Comforts, and given them a new name. I hope you'll all
visit my ...
Needing Advice
The official move to the new website happened months ago. What should I do
with this site? It seems so silly to keep linking over to the other one,
but thi...
A post every 6 months or so?
Oh my, it's been a while. The least I can do is give people something
besides "Happy New Year" to look at if they stumble on my blog...
Here are some pictu...
Wine That Stands Up to Pesto
It's officially summer. Unofficially, it's basil season. Right now, I am
overwhelmed with the stuff. Pictured to the left is one of my behemoth
basil plan...
Well...once again it has been way too long between posts. Lots of things
have happened as with most people and many of them make you stop and think
Walking the Chicks
* With the youngest son way for the weekend, it was my turn to "walk the
chicks." With 4 houses and over 120,000 chicks, it takes over an hour to
do thi...
My New Blog...
Just wanted to invite those of you who have followed me here for the past
few years, to join me at my new blog ' Deb's Sweet Treats '. I will keep
this ...
I wanted to share some photos of the new room that we finished up a few
months ago..This room used to be a sunroom with screens all had
a hot tu...
~The Four Boyfriends A Great Story~
*Once upon a time there was a girl who had four boyfriends. She loved the
fourth boyfriend*
*the most and adorned him with rich robes and treated him to...
feed sacks for Sale
great old feed sacks
York laying mash
York scratch feed
Dairy ration
Premier feeds
most from York ,Pa
$7.95 each
plus shipping
pay pal only
My Boys Beat Me....
I can't believe it! My boys went to an auction. THEY went to one...before
I ever did! It's a bit of a cute story.
Friday Zach called to see if Kaden wa...
Happy Easter!!
Good Morning Blog Friends!! Remember me? Been a rough ride with this
shoulder business. About got me down...and that takes a lot but this has
gone on for...
It's Wednesday evening....
Blooming Clematis in my gardenand only two more days until the weekend. I
am ready to hide eggs for Emma to find. I think she will have a wonderful
time h...
Bears bears & more bears
I've been @ the drawing table designing some brand new bears! Looking to
have them done tomorrow. Hoping Hubby will take me to c Titanic & go to
dinner ton...
Hello, it's me...
It's March, almost April, 2012. Terrible how fast time has flown. I lost my
wonderful job in January. The company was going a different direction...yah
It's been awhile...
It's been awhile since I've posted anything but I'm back and I have a new
blog that I'd like to share. Please check it out. The blog will be a
story of m...
Pinterest Addiction
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm addicted to Pinterest. I have 66
boards with over 3,500 pins! OMG! I really love it. I have a huge craft
show that I ...
The importance of resolutions.
Back in January, I made some very serious resolutions for the new year. I
posted them on my facebook page in an effort to document them and to make
myself ...
Well Hello All, its been so crazy around here and that's why I had to take
a break from blogging! I had birthday parties and vacation with hubby and
Maruti Ertiga MPV
Maruti Ertiga has been introduced to the automobile world in the recent
Auto Expo that was organized in New Delhi this year. Maruti Ertiga is a
Back in the Saddle AGAIN!
Hello Everyone,
I think it's just about that time again to get going on my prim, country,
and folk art work! Stay tuned in the next few weeks to see what I ...
My Hubby Has An Addiction!!
. . . . . .to candles that is!!
Whenever we go to a prim shop, he's always heading over to the candle
section and picking them up to smell. (Yes, ladies, ...
Board and Batten Coat Hooks
My husband informed me that he wants a coat rack by the front door. A free
standing coat rack. I nearly laughed in his face.
A free standing coat rack? ...
~What in the JUNK has been going on?~
*JUNK.....still on the hunt for it....this old sucker describes all of us
JUNKERS to a tee.....and NO it ain't mine but it shore is a sight!.....*
*I am s...
More For Sale
*Chicken in a can, approx. 11" tall.*
*asking $7*
*I accept Paypal & Money Orders. *
* Hop on over to my other blog to *
*see lots of things for sale, ...
Two More Sleeps!
Its almost moving day! I am going crazy trying to organize and
pack.....this is hard when I can only take so much and I want to take
everything! I hope you...
A Wonderful and Talented Person
Hello to all of my mothers followers.It saddens me to say that we lost my
mother Janice Saturday January 21,2012...It was so sudden and has left us
in des...
Grab A Cup Of Coffee And Enjoy!
If you haven't check out this great group of crafters....make sure you do.
So many wonderful creative artist there.
You will truly enjoy yourself!
Have A ...
Sales Blog on Hold
For right now my sales blog is on hold. Please visit my Etsy shop at to view my items for sale. Thanks you,
We Have A Winner!
Thanks so much for everyone who participated in the My Memories Suite
giveaway! I really appreciate your comments and am excited to be able to
share a copy...
Ivanka Trump Hairstyle
Ivanka Trump's super casual updo is as appropriate with jeans as it is for
an elegant event And Beauty For Performance Every Time.
Rudolph the Semi-Decapitated Reindeer
Yesterday, my husband suggested that instead of driving to the nearest
Redbox to return a movie that we had watched on New Year’s Eve (we are
super big par...
Catching Up
*You Snooze, You Lose!*
*Well, I wasn't exactly sleeping but I have been very busy with x-mas
decorating and shopping and adding a new member to the family ...
Merry Christmas!
Hi! I know I've been MIA lately but I wanted to stop by & wish everyone a
very Merry Christmas! I hope everyone enjoys their time with their family &
More Crap I have made.
Another of the little Santa lights I made..this one Sold before it hit the
Floor in the Shop I sell from too.The owner bought him soon as she saw
him.He A...
Craft show!
Hi all...
Just wanted to share with you that I registered my business name in the
summer. I didn't blog about it because I was working on how I was going ...
NEW Christmas Cards!
Dan and I are pleased to announce that our new Christmas cards are now
These cards are simply primitive & folky! The front is an original
~In Need of A Favor~
Sorry no pictures to post today. I am however in need of a favor. I have a
friend that has a nineteen year old son that is mentally handicapped. He
has th...
January 9, 2012
*My First Piece of the Year*
With my finished Valentine pieces headed to Ebay, I'll be headed to the
studio to plan my next set . . .
Hello!! Just wanted to post a pic of a Santa that I have finished up. I
haven't had time to post here on the selling blog but have all of my things
Christmas Home Craft show in Mason City illinois
To all my fellow bloggers and all of you that have bought my crafts i will
be here this day with all my crafts for sale!!!! Hope to see you there!!!!
Big P...
Thank you Linda
Well Linda knew just what I needed to brighten my day. I went out to get
the mail and there was an unexpected package in there.... I saw that it was
from L...
A Little Catch Up
I haven't posted much here because...well because my house looks like I
should be on an episode of Hoarders. We've been gathering donations for
our yard s...
On Saturday, September 17 we had our Fall Open House. We had
refreshments, door prizes, and free pumpkin tarts given with each
purchase. We stayed ...
1st Day of Pre School~~~ My baby
Man how time flys....
My youngest of 5 was off for his first day at pre k
He had fun and really liked it. Didnt really fuss when I left... Even
though Mo...
hey girls Still having major blog issues...
So I will most likely not be blogging anymore because I ca'nt seem to get
the problems resolved .No matter what the heck I do,I even tried starting
all ove...
Ending Our Elementary Years......
My oldest son Zachary will be graduating 8th grade on June 22nd (OMG)
High school is just a few months away.........
I am full of all sorts of strange emo...
just a little "hello"
- I told you - my dear blog friends - some time ago... I´m totally
addicted to facebook. And I have to say I think that´s the reason I became
such ...
Old Quilts
Back yard picnics . . .
Hanging on the clothesline in the sunshine . . .
Extra cover on a cold winter night . . .
Pieced together by timeworn hands....
~ Mumm's the Word ~
I guess you could say, I've had my head in the sand...
I feel like someone grabbed my life by the seat of it's britches and threw
it into a full blown ...
Field Trip Friday
Sometimes I feel the need to take a field trip. Today was one of those
days, and I knew right where I wanted to visit. It's a secret source for
me, a lit...
My hatch didn't work out. I am going to try again. I will let you know if I
ever get any to hatch. I did go to TSC the day after easter and bought some
After having so many issues with my template and posting and then things
dissappearing I have opened a new blog..same name...just with the word
"The" in fr...
April Showers
Bring May flowers and a Robin or two! Announcing my new pattern. A sweet
and somewhat realistic Robin.
Table Runners and Felt Bunnies Bowl Fillers
Spring Time Table Runner
This table runner would be the perfect touch for spring with its
coordinating blue and green fabrics. The backing and binding are...
This is the wonderful wall shelf that I purchased from Dirk...and the
dollies are from Dora...I love it .....
These are eggs that I bought online..someone...
Answers to the "Speechless-ness"
*So I just got done reading everyone's comments from my post yesterday
"Even I Was Speechless", and thought I should say a couple more things.
That post wa...
Fun with Granny!
Granny took me, Alyssa, and Brett to go visit May-May and Davis(Our aunt
and cousin). We went out to eat while we were in Calhoun and took baby
cousin Davi...
AND THE WINNER IS............................
With Doms help and Angies new Bowl we have a winner......
[image: Photobucket]
[image: Photobucket]
Drum Roll Please..........
[image: Photobucket]
The w...
"Change Your Seat"
"Change Your Seat" ~~ Gary Trabucco ~~
The American Heritage Shop
This is the Season where we spend lots of time in our homes.
We here in the North Eas...
New Header Question
I just put up a new header...but for some reason my blog title will not
show up!! I clicked the option that puts the picture behind the title...but
it keep...
My things 4 Sale….
Hello everyone!
I wanted to let everyone know that I’ve added a Prims 4 sale folder on my
Facebook. If you are a friend of mine you can find the folder c...
Gifts On A Budget and Changes
Welcome to a new year and the beginning of a new century! I'm full of hope
that 2011 will bring many wonderful blessings to you and your families.
Well, life is finally settling down a bit at the old homestead. My
grandson is doing great and we are so very blessed and thankful for his
recovery. Hubb...
It's been a long time!
A very long time LOL! Wow where has the time gone? Last post in August? HMM
what have I been up to you ask? Life!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the f...
Good Sunday Mornin'
Hi Y'all ! I sure hope this post finds Y'all in GREAT spirits !
This is going to be a very busy busy day for me....And what better way to
start it off than ...
You'll NEVER Guess....not in a MILLION Days!!!
Guess Who?!?!? Yep...don't fall off your seat! It IS me!
So much has happened...even I can't put enough emphasis on that line! Let
me take a deep breath, g...
About us
We accept sponsored advertising, paid post and sponsored links on this blog.
We write genuine paid and free reviews that are true to our knowledge.
Even t...
SOCK, a SOCK!!!!
foot model is the extremely handsome Lewis!
After many years of threatening to do it, I've done it!!
I've knitted my first sock, modelled above by L...
Hello, it's me!
Happy Sunday to ya!
I've been horrible with blogging lately. With the new kitty and work and
stuff goin' on... I just haven't had the time. Or, MADE the t...
My Thirty-One ;-)
Hello fellow bloggers! Hope you are doing good!!
I wanted to let you all know about my most recent here
goes!! I hope you will visit mt site...
~Fabric Giveaway~
*Brenda over at **pumpkin patch primitive quilt shoppe **is having an
amazing fabric giveaway. **Stop on over and tell her I sent you!*
It is Spring time in Iowa
What a great time of the year in Iowa. It was 68 degrees today. Holy
cow!!!! In Iowa that is next to the surface of the sun hot for us. I got to
clean out ...
Hi Tisha, I like the quilt, really nice job. That is something I always wanted to do, but I have never attempted it. Maybe I should start on a doll size quilt. It does feel really good to finish a project. Vicky
Good job on the quilt..I already started on quilts for the kids for next Christmas but nothing as fancy as yours..Mine are mostly raggy (but still a lot of work) I have 5 done and about 15 to go. :)
Hi Tisha, I like the quilt, really nice job. That is something I always wanted to do, but I have never attempted it. Maybe I should start on a doll size quilt. It does feel really good to finish a project. Vicky
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on finishing your beautiful quilt. It looks spectacular. The colors are great.
ReplyDeleteIt looks licious. JB
wow!!!!!!! I love the colors and the did a fab-u-lous job on this.;)thanks for sharing.;)
ReplyDeleteThat is BEAUTIFUL, you did a great job!!!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful job. I love the colors! I'm getting more fond of the lime greens lately. It is a striking combo.
ReplyDeleteVery nice! Love the colors.
ReplyDeleteHi Tish, you did a great job on that quilt...when did Skippy say he was shipping it to his little buddy Eli??? No joke is VERY nice.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful quilt! Makes me think of Summer!
ReplyDeleteLove the colors .....very summery!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful quilt, wonderful colors!
ReplyDeleteGood job on the quilt..I already started on quilts for the kids for next Christmas but nothing as fancy as yours..Mine are mostly raggy (but still a lot of work) I have 5 done and about 15 to go. :)
ReplyDeleteSo very beautiful.....Skippy must be very proud!
The colors are lovely. Did you quilt that yourself? Oh my!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely quilt, it somehow reminds me of spring and the ocean.
ReplyDeletethat is incredibly beautiful. tiny neat stitches. gorgeous colors. i love this.