Monday, January 31, 2011

~ Oh My Word..... Skipa'roni...~

 That's his new name, " Skipa'roni "
Lordy Y'all, I'm havin' Issues...
Next, we'll have the Paparazzi hangin' around!
Mr. Fix-It has taken to calling him the 'Special One".

Let me show you why....

Aunt Linda over a Parker Paradise sent him a package,
 all the way from Paradise!
He was havin' such a hard time controlling himself.
He was doin' the Jiggy dance all over the front porch..

He was rippin' things open and had his little whiskers stuck in so fast...
I had to make him use his manners and let me get a thank you picture first!

Aunt Linda, Skippy says Thank You!
He loves his package from you
 and he Loves You Too...
He was such a good boy and offered to share with everyone..

I also got a package!
I ordered a Shoofly from Carmen over at Prim Cats
I Love it! Y'all should head on over and check them out!
Thanks Carmen, It's Perfect!

So, What the heck happened to January?
I know I've been busy, But seriously where did it go...

My classes have been fun and I'm learning a lot.
I'm shooting in manual mode... Yikes!

I've also spent a bit of time in the sewing room.
I finished the jeans and green quilt.
I didn't like the way it turned out, Little Man did, so I gave it to him :0)..
I do however, love the way this one did.

I made this for the Fledgelin' Daughter.
It's now at the quilters...

And this was made from the scraps..

I think I'll try machine quilting this, maybe?

This is what the boys do...
 When Mom sews....

and some of this....

Well I guess I'd better go,
Nomi just told me, Skippa'roni said,
  if he stayed off the bed he could be the...
"President of his Fan Club"...

My Word,
 What Next?


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

~ Inspector Skippy Strikes Again...~

I had a bright Idea!
Yep, thought I was real smart....
A couple of weeks ago our furnace went on the fritz...
It took Mr.Fix-It two days to get the part and get it fixed....
A very cold Two Days!
So, In comes the bright Idea.....
I have a wood stove that we haven't used in about 12 years,
Yes ,I did say 12 years..
Mr Fix-It had a house burn about 20 years ago and since then he's been reluctant to use a fireplace or a wood stove
But me on the other hand, having used this kind of heat most of my life, am not reluctant to use it at all.
I made the appointment to have someone come and clean and inspect the chimney and verify that everything was in good working order.
I called and had it added to our home owners insurance policy.
Then, I told Mr. Fix-It what I had done :o]....
He took it better than I expected and so, I set forth, planning my wonderful new adventure.
I am going to have a wood stove!
I'm going to be warm the next time the furnace quits or the power goes out!
I cleaned off the stove and  removed all my Prims that had been displayed around it.
I even made cookie dough the night before, so that I would have something to do while the man did his job!
I even took pictures of the process so that I could share this recipe with y'all...

The big day arrives,
I'm ready!
It's cold and snowy,
I've got cookies baking in the oven,
The Man cleans out the stove and pulls it out from the wall,
goes out and gets a big vacuum hose and proceeds to tell me that everything is in great shape it just needs to be cleaned... Very Bad!
DUH...... Really? after only 12 years....
(Okay, I'll be nice :O}.... That was my resolution!)
As he's telling me this, he changes the subject to.....

Him: No Kitty! No Kitty, Don't!
Ma mm? Your kitty is......
Kitty please don't, come out!
Ma mm, Your kitty is crawling up the flew pipe!.... 
Please Stop, Sweetie....

Me:  That's Skippy, my pest..
He'll come back out in a minute... 

Him: (panic in his voice) Ma mm, he's not coming out....

Me: (taking cookies out of the oven) I'll get him in second..

Him: Could you hurry, he's all the way in there!

Me: (come around corner to see nothing but a pipe)
Where is he?

Him: In the pipe....

Me: puzzled?
I look, sure enough, he's up there....
I tap on the pipe and with the sweetest voice I ask,
Skippy Sweetheart?
Could you please come outta there,
Mamma's gotta finish baking and this nice man needs to finish his job....

Skippy: NO! 
Hey Mom, I smell dead birds!

Me: Skippy, NOW!

Skippy:  NO! Not yet,
I'm not done...

Him: If he gets past this junction he's headed up the chimney and you want be able to reach him...

Me: Could you hold these for me? (my pot holders)
Skippy, last chance..... No, okay then...

I reached in, my arm was in that pipe past my elbow and scratched his little bum, then I promptly grabbed him by his two back legs and drug his scrawny little behind out.
Now mind you he wasn't so willing to come out, so he arches his little back and dug his little claws in and tugged with all his little might!
But I won!
All I could hear was this poor man saying,
I'm Sorry over and over...
He was telling me that in 36 years of doing this kind of work that had never happened...
I quit laughing just long enough to tell him that was because,
he had never taken.....
Inspector Skippy.... to work with him!
I promptly stuck Skippy in the Grooming sink and scrubbed him for twenty minutes...
Surprisingly he took it really well... He's watched enough dogs be bathed I guess he understood.
He was solid black and couldn't quit sneezing so therefor I didn't get any pictures. No way was I letting go and having him get soot everywhere. That poor man laughed so hard he couldn't go up the ladder for ten minutes and he was really tickled watching Skippy get a bath... Skippy wasn't so tickled!

I finished up the cookies and Skippy napped by the stove.... It was warm and he was a little chilly!
All's well that ends well!
I just wish that I could have gotten some pictures...

I start my community classes tonight!
Photo shop classes on Tuesdays and Photography on Thursdays!
They only last for five weeks but if I like them I can take the next level...
It's all part of my resolution remember?
To refine my self taught skills..
Plus it's time out of the house. I find, ex specially in the winter, that I holed up here for days on end. If I don't have to leave I won't. I'm trying to be less like a hermit and more like a normal person. I do enjoy staying home, all my things are here, all my critters are here, my sewing room is here, my wood shop is here, my Skippy is here...
I better quit, I'll talk myself into staying home!
I'll get that cookie recipe listed for you, plus I'll tell you why they're called Menopause Cookies!
I told the stove guy what I called them that right after he ate some :o}..... He asked!
That was fun too!
Y'all have a great day now!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

~ Who Thinks These Things Up...~

Have your kids been tellin' you your "Un-Cool"...
Do they tell you " You Don't Know"...
How bout' 'Weird"

I got told I was 'Way Olde"..
Yep, not only did i get told this today but my computer just reaffirmed it!

I came home from running errands after school with Little Man... and being told I was olde along the way.
I'm not so concerned about that, I'll get even later ;)
I decide to take a couple of minutes and check out some of y'alls Blogs :)
First up I went by and visited with Lauren over at  Rugs and Pugs we had a great little chat about Menopause! Yep, good old Hot Flashes and the works....
Now mind you I had emergency surgery that resulted in a full hysterectomy  two years ago. I don't mind I was done having kids twenty years ago.. (Little Man is adopted) and had already had surgery to remedy that.
I however am not old! Forty-Something is NOT OLD! Just because I don't know about no situations and don't care to Know how to pronounce Justin Beibers name correctly does not in any way constitute me being old.

Okay on to my next visit.....
 I stopped in to see Tiff over at the Folded Gingham she has done a fabulous job painting her cupboards and wanted her to know I thought so! I left the sweetest message for her and the when it came time to verify that Yes it was me and Yes I did want to securely send words of encouragement to her this happened!

I was nice...

Who would do such a thing?

I refuse to let technology bring me down!
I am a strong confident woman!

And Skippy swears he didn't have anything to do with it!

He better not have...

Wayolde, my @#S!

Smokin' Hot Grandma maybe,
 But not "WAYOLDE"

I hate Word Verification!
dumb tech junkies anyways....

See now they've made me go and ruin a perfectly good new years resolution!


Monday, January 3, 2011

~ Can It Get Any Better Than This...~

I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel Blessed.
2010 was a pretty good year!
Loafer Mountain Retreat gained a few more residents!

Skippy Loves Me!
We took our very first 2-week vacation.
Antique shopping!
(What could be better than that?)
Little Man started Jr. High!

I Love Skippy!

The Fledglin' Daughter came back to the nest!
I gained a wonderful new Daughter!
December 15th...
 Yep, that's Jamaica in the background!
I'm so proud of you son!
We love her...

Skippy loves her too!
she calls him her little Lover Boy!
Watch out Jake, he's puttin' the moves on her...

The Holidays were full of Family and Fun!

and Tons of Snow!

December also brought Baby Bundle news to..
It's official, Skippy is now considered our 4th son!
(Skip E Henrie)
Like y'all didn't know 'that' already...
My youngest Sister!
Me and Mr Fix-its Daughter!
and 2 Nieces!
our family tree is soon to become a forest!
2011 is destined to be even Better!
My New Years resolution....
 To be kinder to others in my thoughts and actions.
To take some community classes and refine my self taught skills!
I'm going to be Happy!
 (and everyone around me better be too!)
I'm going to clean out more closets and plant more flowers!
I'm going to hug Skippy and the rest of the gang a little more often!
I'm going to tear up Mr. Fix-its honey do list!
 (I'll feel much better just knowing that he isn't ignoring me.) 
By Golly this is MY year!
 I sure hope yours is all that...
 and a big ole' box of chocolates too!

I'd share my Skippy but I can't,
I never said I wasn't selfish....
Besides It's not on the list!
