I answered the phone and.....
That's the first question I get asked.
My reply?......
Hey Douche Bag! My back hurts and No I won't cut your hair.....
But glad you asked anyway!
Mind you, this a typical conversation between me and my younger brother...
He's had this fetish with calling me this since, I think like forEver! and one must know, that he has constantly for years, asked for a haircut "Every Single Time He Calls!" and the Douche Bag joke goes with stating.....
Ancient Family Secret! Just note, It fits....
Okay Joel, I'm sorry let me start again... Huh Hummm...
Hello Joel, when would you like your head butched?
..............awkward silence..............
Golly Sis,
I was just wandering if you would be home tomorrow and could you come and pick me up?
What's up Joel?
I wrecked my truck.........
WHAT? You Okay???
I wrecked my truck.........They towed it off the mountain but I need a ride, can you do it?
How'd you manage that Joel? (Ever ask those kind of ?'s)
You never answered.... You Okay?
I don't know, I was only going about 5 miles an hour when it happened....
Seriously....... "Does he think I'm Blonde?"
No.... He just thinks my name is "Toilet Paper"
He still swears "This Happened at 5 Miles an Hour"
Okay, so I guess the Douche Bag had a witness...
Seems as though he Was only doing about 5 miles an hour.
The road crew had just layed a pipe across the road and spread the remainder of the dirt across the top.
I say Dirt Loosely, turns out, under the road base was clay and it had just rained! Had this happened two turns up the mountain, he would have went over a cliff......
Hey Bud, I'd be happy to!
and while I have you hostage in my home, you WILL make my camera Quit barking, Every Time I Take A Picture!
You do remember me telling you how annoying that is, right?
Douche Bag!
By the way, DB, it's "Tissue Paper" Thank You very much!
Aren't little Brother's supposed to grow up and leave you alone?
or at least, get married and pick on their wives instead?